Family ties. . . an adoption story

Story continued
Home | Thoughts | THE STORY | Story continued | Ties | A few pictures | My mom | Daily Journal News | My father | More siblings. | Family Photo Album | My Aunt Janet. . . | Uncle Obie and Aunt Mae | More Paternal Family Pictures | Cousin Tim Sturgill | Contact Me | Adoptees Seeking Heritage | More searches | The Final Chapter | My grandson. | Granddaughter

Dreams are not out of reach. Only if you choose not to reach for the stars.


I can't even begin to tell you how I feel, knowing my heritage. We adoptees have a RIGHT to our history. We did not drop out of the sky from a UFO. (don't ask my brother, Bo, he is liable to say I did! I love you little brother!)
I have the best 2 brothers, a sister and a mother that anyone could ask for. I hate to think that I may not have got to meet them the way the laws are. Stand up for Triad rights!

It is very important to find you a support group and attend when you can, they can offer advise, support and encouragement.
The one thing that I have noticed on this journey, is that most adoptees WANT to know, BUT they are afraid of hurting someone. That is what the support group that we go to now does. It offers support, encouragement and advise to those seeking for their missing links.

I do not claim to be an expert in searching, or any other subject. The one thing I can claim, is my love for my birthfamily. Unconditionaly.

I give Jesus Christ thanks and praise for making my dreams become reality. For turning a heart that has been empty since birth, into full of love and joy.

I am so complete now. Not the empty shell which I once was.
God takes care of His own.